Thursday, March 19, 2009

Doctors Appointments

Grandpa and Grandma's day started out by NOT having our first cup of coffee. We were scheduled for blood draws that required fasting. I had to chuckle because when Grandpa went for his blood draw I heard him say to the technician "Don't hurt me". We treated ourselves to a Bob Evans breakfast after our heroic act of giving blood.

We came home and had an unexpected phone call from the hospital saying they wanted to schedule Grandpa for a complete bone scan that was ordered from Grandpa's Urologist. This was NOT related to the blood work he just had done.

This afternoon Grandma has a dentist appointment which I have no idea what's going to come out of that. I hope it's not my teeth. I must brush and floss now. To Be continued.

After on hour of sitting in the torch er elevator chair being x-rayed, picked, brushed and squirted I found out I need a root canal and crown. Ouch!

Tonight I'm going to watch a movie, P.S. I Love You, and eat ice cream.


  1. The movie P.S. I love you was a big mistake but the ice cream was very good.

  2. I didn't hear good reviews for that movie. I don't think I've ever heard a bad review for ice cream, though. Why doesn't grandpa blog? I think that would be fun!

  3. Yeaaaa for Ice Cream!!! booooo for the root canal and crown :(

  4. whoops...Brian Campbell was logged on our computer...that we me (Kathy) who left the last comment...not Brian. :)

  5. I heard P.S. I love you was a really sad movie.
