Thursday, June 30, 2011


Thursday, June 30, 2011
This evening Grandpa and I went to calling hours for Glenn Gough.  We were in hopes of seeing Ricky there but we didn't.  When we went through the receiving line Mitch said he and his wife graduated with Kathy.  His wife is Theresa Kohlar Gough.  We also talked with Matt Gough who said Steve was his wrestling coach when he was in 7th and 8th grade.  He really liked Steve as a coach.
(How Jesus Came Into My Life)
During the time we lived on Water Street, John and Steve made the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  We had a big party for them because in the eye's of the Catholic Church that is when you receive Jesus in the form of a host.  I believe now they use wine and a host.  The host represented the body of Christ and the wine the blood of Christ.
Grandpa and I then had an opportunity to purchase some land to build a house on.  This is the property where we live now.  We had our house built and moved in the year 1968. 
When Kathy was 8 years old she made her Holy Communion.  I wanted to get involved so I began with teaching CCD (Confraternity Christian Doctrine).  I was thirsty to learn more about God.  I taught the Sacraments and the life of Jesus.  I became a Lay Reader and that is a person who reads the Epistle during the Mass.  Our children made their Confirmation but to be honest I just don't remember to much about that time. 
One thing I do remember is the Church taught "The Bible is the WORD OF GOD"
To Be Continued,
Love, grandma

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